
Kern County Times

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Nueva Continuation High School had a lower graduation rate than Kern High District's graduation rate in the 2017-2018 school year

Webp hs test 09

Nueva Continuation High School had a lower graduation rate than Kern High District's overall graduation rate at 59.3 percent, according to the California Department of Education.

In comparison, Kern High District had a graduation rate of 90.5 percent for the 2017-2018 school year. According to CDE data, graduation rates continue to indicate an increase in disproportional academic performance between white, Black, Latino, and English learner students.

According to the National Centre for Education Statistics, in the 2017-2018 school year, of the 50 states where data was collected, students with disabilities were at the bottom of 4-year high school graduation rates by student group.

Angela Johnson, a research scientist at NWEA, says “taken together, prior research suggests that inequities exist in the quality of education experienced by current ELs and non-ELs and that these inequities explain achievement gaps in middle and early high school” in The Effects of English Learner Classification on High School Graduation and College Attendance.

Schools Ranked with Comparison to Their District's Graduation Rate (2017-2018)
RankSchoolSchool Graduation RateDistrict Graduation Rate
1Abraham Lincoln Alternative100.091.67
1Academy of the Redwoods100.091.32
1Acalanes Center for Independent Study100.099.01
1ACCESS County Community100.099.52
1Adelante High School100.095.97
1Adelante High School100.098.8
1Aggeler Community Day100.088.53
1Alameda Science and Technology Institute100.090.11
1Alps View High School (Continuation)100.097.53
1Antelope Valley Learning Academy100.0100.0
1Arbuckle Alternative High School (Continuation)100.091.89
1Arena High School (Continuation)100.0100.0
1Aurora High School (Continuation)100.097.98
1Avalon High School100.088.53
1Baker High School100.0100.0
1Bell Senior High School100.088.53
1Benjamin Franklin Senior High School100.088.53
1Briones (Alternative)100.097.12
1Buena Vista High School100.094.44
1Burroughs High School100.093.87
1Butte Valley High School100.0100.0
1Butte View High School100.099.48
1Cal Burke High School100.088.53
1Calaveras River Academy100.0100.0
1Calico Continuation High School100.0100.0
1549Tierra Del Sol Continuation High School62.3790.47
1550Ridgeview High School (Continuation)62.381.3
1551Rancho Vista High School62.2894.22
1552Del Puerto High School62.1687.08
1553Bravo Lake High School62.0787.29
1554Kern County Juvenile Court61.9571.58
1555Dario Cassina High School61.993.05
1556Natural High School (Continuation)61.5490.65
1556Pilarcitos Alternative High School (Continuation)61.5491.34
1558Renaissance High School Continuation61.3288.81
1559Tracy (Wilbur) High School (Continuation)60.9690.59
1560La Paloma High School (Continuation)60.9587.38
1561Sierra High School (Continuation)60.7192.98
1562Civicorps Corpsmember Academy60.5385.06
1563Wilson Alternative60.287.27
1564March Mountain High School60.1386.63
1565Central Bay High School (Continuation)60.081.12
1565Marce Becerra Academy60.091.33
1565North Coastal Consortium Schools60.053.19
1565Pershing Continuation High School60.086.81
1565Westside High School60.093.06
1570Daylor (William) High School (Continuation)59.7891.76
1571Discovery High School59.7790.56
1572Frida Kahlo High School59.3888.53
1573California Virtual Academy @ Sonoma59.2658.82
1573Nueva Continuation High School59.2690.47
1575Riverside County Education Academy59.1844.47
1576San Diego Virtual59.0472.45
1577Century High School59.0295.05
1578IvyTech Charter58.9788.74
1579Valley View High School (Continuation)58.8889.17
1580Costanoa Continuation High School58.8291.17
1580Zane Grey Continuation58.8288.53
1582Valley Alternative High School (Continuation)58.7392.09
1583Live Oak High School (Continuation)58.5682.88
1584Bayside Community Day58.4986.63
1585San Jose Conservation Corps Charter58.1984.07
1586Chautauqua High School (Continuation)58.0691.04
1587High School Desert Premier Academy57.8986.62
1588Albert Powell Continuation57.6186.69
1588School of Unlimited Learning57.6186.82
1590Island High School (Continuation)57.5890.11
1591Pacific Career and Technology High School57.569.13
1592New Valley Continuation High School57.2987.27
1593Ahwahnee High School57.1491.3
1593Eureka Community57.1469.75
1593National University Academy57.1474.16
1593Rancheria Continuation57.1492.31
1593San Pasqual Academy57.1453.19
1593Sonoma County Court57.1436.67
1593Valley Oak High School57.1489.59
1754R. Rex Parris High School22.6280.58
1755Maine Prairie High School (Continuation)22.4585.85
1756New Horizon High School22.2267.88
1757Apollo High School21.1884.07
1758Berkeley Technology Academy20.4585.86
1759Blue Ridge20.076.72
1759Gateway High School (Continuation)20.087.26
1759Indian Hills Continuation High School20.089.19
1763Riley/New Dawn19.3581.86
1764Bill M. Manes High School16.6785.37
1764Burbank USD Community Day16.6793.87
1764Dan Jacobs16.6757.14
1764H. Glenn Richardson16.6780.61
1768Banning Independent Study16.2867.88
1769River Bend14.2991.44
1770Gould Educational Center14.150.45
1771Clovis Community Day Secondary12.590.82
1771Mountain View High School12.593.42
1773Laurel Tree Charter10.091.12
1774Home & Hosp/Transition Support7.6981.86
1775Riverside County Special Education7.0444.47
1776East Hills Academy6.2582.0
1777Central Juvenile Hall4.8869.06
1778Berenece Carlson Home Hospital4.7688.53