Kevin McCarthy tweeted the following:
"All I'm asking for is a responsible debt limit increase.That means the President and I should find common ground and eliminate where the government is wasting money.Let's put our country on a path to balance our budgetjust like every state, city, and family in America."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Kevin McCarthy:
"A good education is the great equalizer. When parents are empowered to pick the best schools, students thrive."Read on Twitter
"House Republicans will fulfill our Commitment to America to expand school choiceso more than a million more students nationwide can receive the education that best matches their needs.Join me this morning for a celebration of #SchoolChoiceWeek:"Read on Twitter
"For 3 years, Democrats closed Congress to the public. That ended the first day of the Republican majority.The Members on the @HouseAdmin Committee will work to keep the Capitol open & accessible to the people, as well as protect our nations elections through proper oversight."Read on Twitter