Mark your calendars! The next Streets of Bakersfield is scheduled for Saturday, January 7th. | Flickr
Mark your calendars! The next Streets of Bakersfield is scheduled for Saturday, January 7th. | Flickr
ROSCOE & OPIE NEED HELP! They are 7 year old bonded brothers who were rescued from the streets years ago by a kindhearted man who gave them a loving home all their lives. But then tragedy struck. The man suddenly passed away. The only owner that had ever loved them was gone. When they came into the shelter we were so scared and confused. But soon they opened up, and now they are just two sweet goofballs. They just want the kind of life they once had - A life of being loved in a happy home. We've posted about them before, but that was weeks ago. No one has wanted them.
To make matter worse, these 2 came down sick, and now they're in the medical kennels where no one can see them. Their illness is temporary, and with continued medication they'll be just fine.
But time is not on their side. They need to find a home, foster, or rescue as soon as possible. If none of those are options for you, please share this post and their photos. These are good boys! Give them a chance!
FOSTER PROGRAM - dogfoster@kerncounty.com661-868-7130RESCUE PROGRAM - rescue@kerncounty.com661-549-4355
Their ID#s are:Roscoe A1149462 Opie A1149463
Original source can be found here.